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December 1, 2022

Are you in the eye of the storm…

A troublesome combination of factors contributes to the perfect storm. There are six key factors swirling together to create what we at Data Sentinel affectionately identify as this perfect storm.

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Elle Herron

The perfect storm is upon us. A troublesome combination of factors contribute to the perfect storm and it is coming for us all. There are six key factors swirling together to create what we at Data Sentinel affectionately identify as this perfect storm.

The first factor in this equation is the massive data volume growth that companies are experiencing. With time and the ability to now store data across multiple systems, indefinitely the majority of companies across all industries have large amounts of data accumulated in their systems. Most business leaders and/or employees are not aware of this data. 

This leads us to our second factor, a rise in data incidences, which can include matters such as a data breach. The reason these two factors flow into one another is that the majority of times when companies experience a breach it is their “dark data'' that gets breached. Dark data is data that is collected and goes unused and is quite often forgotten. 

These incidents often expose companies to the third component which is the increasing number of fines, reputational damages and litigation being experienced. Exposure to these outcomes can happen both pre and post an incident. 

One of the main reasons that we see these outcomes on the rise is that new data laws and regulations are quickly evolving, which is the fourth contributing factor to our perfect storm. (See here for an example of one of these many new regulations being introduced and how best to prepare). These regulations can be difficult to comply with because they are developing at a rapid pace and the data sets that companies hold have become very complex.

This complexity seen across the data space in all industries is our fifth key factor. 

Last but certainly not least, our sixth factor is some companies need to monetize data to enable growth. This results in companies storing and using data for multiple reasons that may or may not be aligned with the original intent disclosed at the point of data collection.

If this data is used and/or stored inappropriately it can lead to a multitude of high-magnitude disasters. 

Data Sentinel is instrumental in turning your data from a liability to an asset so that you can capitalize on the use of your data holdings. We are passionate about helping companies understand what they have so that they can step outside of the storm, gain perspective, and go back in with their umbrella intact. That said, an umbrella is a temporary solution there to act as a shield. We help companies do more than just protect themselves. We help ensure that they are using all their assets to thrive and support their long-term goals. So yes, we can act as your umbrella… or better yet, your plane ticket to your favourite sunny destination.

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December 1, 2022

Are you in the eye of the storm…

A troublesome combination of factors contributes to the perfect storm. There are six key factors swirling together to create what we at Data Sentinel affectionately identify as this perfect storm.

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The perfect storm is upon us. A troublesome combination of factors contribute to the perfect storm and it is coming for us all. There are six key factors swirling together to create what we at Data Sentinel affectionately identify as this perfect storm.

The first factor in this equation is the massive data volume growth that companies are experiencing. With time and the ability to now store data across multiple systems, indefinitely the majority of companies across all industries have large amounts of data accumulated in their systems. Most business leaders and/or employees are not aware of this data. 

This leads us to our second factor, a rise in data incidences, which can include matters such as a data breach. The reason these two factors flow into one another is that the majority of times when companies experience a breach it is their “dark data'' that gets breached. Dark data is data that is collected and goes unused and is quite often forgotten. 

These incidents often expose companies to the third component which is the increasing number of fines, reputational damages and litigation being experienced. Exposure to these outcomes can happen both pre and post an incident. 

One of the main reasons that we see these outcomes on the rise is that new data laws and regulations are quickly evolving, which is the fourth contributing factor to our perfect storm. (See here for an example of one of these many new regulations being introduced and how best to prepare). These regulations can be difficult to comply with because they are developing at a rapid pace and the data sets that companies hold have become very complex.

This complexity seen across the data space in all industries is our fifth key factor. 

Last but certainly not least, our sixth factor is some companies need to monetize data to enable growth. This results in companies storing and using data for multiple reasons that may or may not be aligned with the original intent disclosed at the point of data collection.

If this data is used and/or stored inappropriately it can lead to a multitude of high-magnitude disasters. 

Data Sentinel is instrumental in turning your data from a liability to an asset so that you can capitalize on the use of your data holdings. We are passionate about helping companies understand what they have so that they can step outside of the storm, gain perspective, and go back in with their umbrella intact. That said, an umbrella is a temporary solution there to act as a shield. We help companies do more than just protect themselves. We help ensure that they are using all their assets to thrive and support their long-term goals. So yes, we can act as your umbrella… or better yet, your plane ticket to your favourite sunny destination.

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