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December 2, 2021

Demystifying the De Identification of Data - How to Protect your Organization’

Kevin Downey, Chief Technical Officer at Data Sentinel, Liana Di Giorgio, Senior Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright, and Patricia Thaine, MSc, CEO and Co-founder of discuss the art of de-identification of data.

Event Date:
December 1, 2021
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Kevin Downey

Kevin Downey, Chief Technical Officer and co-founder at Data Sentinel, Liana Di Giorgio, Senior Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright, and Patricia Thaine, MSc, CEO and Co-founder of  discuss the art of de-identification of data in support of data privacy and data governance programs. The team participated in the Canadian RegTech Association annual event held in Toronto. Sensitive data management and the masking of data are the keys to a successful data governance and data privacy program success!

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December 2, 2021

Demystifying the De Identification of Data - How to Protect your Organization’

Kevin Downey, Chief Technical Officer at Data Sentinel, Liana Di Giorgio, Senior Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright, and Patricia Thaine, MSc, CEO and Co-founder of discuss the art of de-identification of data.

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December 1, 2021
Hosted By:
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Kevin Downey, Chief Technical Officer and co-founder at Data Sentinel, Liana Di Giorgio, Senior Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright, and Patricia Thaine, MSc, CEO and Co-founder of  discuss the art of de-identification of data in support of data privacy and data governance programs. The team participated in the Canadian RegTech Association annual event held in Toronto. Sensitive data management and the masking of data are the keys to a successful data governance and data privacy program success!

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